The DSI Virtual Office supports advanced HIPPA-compliant communications between dentists, specialists, and patients.
These tools include:
HIPPA-compliant referrals—The DSI Virtual Office provides a data-secure environment in which referring doctors can send both referral information and supporting diagnostic materials to DSI.
HIPPA-compliant collaboration-The DSI Virtual Office allow referring doctors to discuss the case and collaborate with specialists in a data-secure environment. Communication is facilitated via bulletin boards and supports text, voice, and image attachments. In this environment, clear and accurate communications are supported to allow for quality patient care.
HIPPA-compliant access to patient records—The DSI Virtual Office allows referring doctors to follow the care of their patient by providing them with access to all patient records, including procedure notes and reports, billing and claims transactions, and communications between the patient and specialists.
For the patients’ these include:
HIPPA-compliant online registration—DSI provides online registration tools and online forms to provide unsurpassed convenience to our patients. Patients can quickly enter the required information online at their convenience, or opt to complete the information in their dentists’ office, if they so choose.
HIPPA-compliant communications—Patients can contact the specialists and/or their dentist with questions about their procedure via the DSI Virtual Office, and—if necessary—participate in an online consultation to address their case.